Warranty nCrypt Light is provided “As Is” and should not be construed as being fit for any purpose whatsoever. This documentation is provided electronically, which means that you can’t even use it for personal hygiene. nCrypt Light is an experimental product which is licensed for your personal use. Don’t use it for anything you consider valuable or sensitive. If it doesn’t work, tough. If it harms your hardware, software, data, mental health, physical well being, bank account or reputation, tough. If it emails a copy of everything on your Newton to the NSA, the Russians, or anybody else, tough. If you request or demand assistance, reparation, or compensation from CustomWare, realize that we intend to do the minimum required by law, including nothing. Realize also that we mean our law, Ontario and Canadian law, not your law. If you send us money, you are making a donation to further our research efforts and lifestyles. You are not buying anything from us, and you can’t have your money back, nor can you expect anything in return, except such things that we put in writing. Nevertheless, we request that you send us $15 to further our efforts. Mail us a cheque or money order in the currency of your choice.